Is each trip truly individually planned? Yes, no two itineraries will ever look the same even to the same destination. We tailor make every trip specifically for you and your travel partners. The experience is yours!

Why do you charge a fee for planning? Don’t you get commissions? No, we do not receive commissions. WanderMust is not a booking agency rather a boutique planning service. All destinations, accommodations, tours, etc. are researched and chosen for you and your trip. We will never ‘sell’ or persuade you to purchase a certain accommodation, tour or even a group trip based on a kickback we could receive. All suggestions and recommendations are based on what we think is best for you and your travel partners.

How much do I pay to start?  WanderMust requires a non-refundable $150 deposit to start researching an itinerary. This fee becomes part of the entire fee when planning begins.

What if I shorten or lengthen my trip during the planning phase? If the days haven’t been researched and planned then the you will not be charged for shortening your trip. If you lengthen the trip, the days for research and planning will be charged just like the other days.

How do I get started? Contact WanderMust with your travel information via the contact form or give me a call.

What’s included with your trip planning services? Everything that trip planning involves is included. Just think of me as your own personal travel guide and booking secretary. Destination research, lodging research and booking, car rentals, flight bookings and rentals, tour research and bookings, transportation, routes, detailed itinerary.

Can I change my mind during the planning phase? Of course! Planning the perfect trip sometimes takes trial and error. As long as the destination remains the same, we can work together to make changes to an already in progress itinerary. Please note, any loss of fees from cancellations/changes are the responsibility of the traveler.

Can I get a refund if I decide not to take this trip? There are no planning fee refunds once the planning phase starts. Should you cancel your trip, WanderMust is not responsible for securing refunds from any reservations made in the name of the traveler.

How do I pay WanderMust fees? WanderMust accepts bank transfers, credit cards and checks. Bank transfers (with 3rd parties such as Zelle) are preferred.

How do I pay for lodging, tours, car rental, etc.? All reservations are secured using your credit card, your name and your contact information. This way, any points, bonuses or rewards received from bookings are yours to keep.

I already have made some initial plans. Can we work them in? Absolutely, the trip is yours as well as the plans. WanderMust just puts the structure to it.

Exactly what do you book? WanderMust will book every piece of your trip for you. Lodging, transportation, tours, flights, etc. OR we will give you explicit booking instructions if you prefer booking yourself. We will use your credit card for the bookings.